Today’s lesson: Guys too have emotions. duh.

A for apple

B for ball

C for cat

D for dog

Years of repetition as kids, this is imprinted in our minds and so if today when asked to teach a kid A B C D, this will be how most of us will relate the alphabets to the words. We have associated A for apple, B for ball, you get the gist.

So when someone suddenly blurts out A for Alien, you are like “dude A se apple hi sikhate hai tu apni mat laga”. But technically he is not wrong. A can also stand for Alien.

And alien is what I felt today.

Now I don’t know if I am the only person or it happens to everyone but we have good friendships and we have bad friendships. For example, my past and me witnessing my guy friends, friend’s friends, friend’s boyfriends, whatever, got this really negative perception of guys just lying, cheating, not caring (I know this sounds sexist but read the whole thing). So today when I actually witnessed a guy showing actual emotions of being hurt and being lost and sharing his problem and he probably had cried days ago, I was lost.

I first thought this is unchartered territory. He was showing signs of caring towards a girl who hurt him. Which is when I remembered, girls lie, cheat and betray too. They both come under humans. So I did what he would do when all the times he had to listen to all my sad sagas, I listened to him, patiently. Now everyone who knows me, knows patience is not my strongest suit. Hell, my patience doesn’t even make the list of my qualities (this coming from a to-be psychologist). But that’s what you do for someone you care about.

So all that done, I realised I had become prejudiced towards guys in general. I forgot they feel too. Even the ones that hurt you have emotions, even the ones who don’t.  They just show it less often.

Prejudice: A negative pre-conceived judgement.

And all these years I’ve seen a lot of this. On personal level, on a social level, on a religious level, on a political level.

And we all do that at some point. We all consider something about someone or some issue we haven’t even dealt with yet and we already have 10 statements on why this girl is a bitch, that guy is a player, that uncle is a rat, that maid is stealing from the house, she’s drinking so she ain’t from a good family, he always has girls on his backseat so he isn’t an ideal guy,etc. And that ain’t fair.

Concluding I made a mistake today, surprisingly only 1 for today, I was wrong and misleaded by my past experiences, but the point is I will learn from this cause I don’t want to be gang judged because of the people from someone else’s past. I mean dude blame me for my own mistakes, I make plenty of them so you will have too many chances. Don’t worry.

And also to the guy I was talking about earlier,I know you are going to be reading this,I apologise if I had not been supportive enough but you know I’m always here to do more stupid shit so you have one source of entertainment on your bad days.

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